Chapter 1

1 God’s message came to Hosea, Beeri’s son, when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah, and during Jeroboam, Joash’s son, was king of Israel.
2 The start of God’s message through Hosea. God told Hosea, “Go, marry a woman who has been unfaithful, and have children with her, because the people have been very unfaithful, turning away from God.”
3 He went and married Gomer, daughter of Diblaim, who became pregnant and gave birth to a son for him.
4 God told him, “Name the child Jezreel; soon I will punish Jehu’s family for the bloodshed at Jezreel, and I will end the rule of Israel’s kingdom.”
5 On that day, I will break Israel’s bow in the Jezreel Valley.
6 She became pregnant again and had a daughter. God told him, “Name her Loruhamah, because I will no longer show mercy to Israel’s people; I will completely remove them.”
7 I will show kindness to Judah’s family and save them through God, their God. I will not save them with bows, swords, battles, horses, or horsemen.
8 After she finished breastfeeding Loruhamah, she became pregnant and gave birth to a son.
9 Then God said, “Name him Not My People, because you are not my people, and I will not be your God.”
10 The children of Israel will be as many as the sand by the sea, too many to measure or count. And where they were told, “You are not my people,” there they will be called “Children of the living God.”
11 The people of Judah and Israel will unite and choose one leader, and they will rise from the land, for the day of Jezreel will be great.